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Binary options explained software reviews

Binary Options Trading System. Making the decision to trade binary options can be positively life changing when business is conducted properly. Not only is binary trading highly profitable, but it can also be accomplished successfully in a short amount of time with adequate industry knowledge and the appropriate financial tools. To achieve the best results in your binary investments, traders would do well to utilize a binary options trading system that suits their specific financial goals and needs. The recent popularity in binary trading and simultaneous growth of information technology has given birth to a number of binary trading tools. The vast amount of binary trading systems on the market has revolutionized the trading industry. Unfortunately, however, this sea of trading tools has also made it more complex to determine which software is most appropriate for your goals and aspirations. In this article, we will explore the various types of binary option trading systems to help you determine which is most appropriate for your personal or professional investments. Best Binary Options Robots: The first step to finding the best binary option trading software is to find a stock broker you trust and enjoy working with. During your search for a broker, conducting industry research about different trading platforms, tools, and profitable accounts will be helpful to find the right business or individual to work with. Regardless of your trade proficiency level, finding a broker that offers “demo accounts” is highly recommended, as they will allow you to get familiar with the software and trading processes. ( Read About Managed Accounts HERE ) The best finance brokers will also provide their clients with extensive lists of educational material to help them understand the financial industry and make the most of their investment.

These recourses are priceless because they help traders hone their skills, learn complex trading strategies, and refine their understanding of the financial industry. Keep in mind, however, that whatever you learn should be compatible with the trading software you decide to use in the future. Now that we’ve explained the importance of starting out with a financial broker, let’s get a better understanding of the most popular types of binary options trading systems on the market today. Binary Options Auto Trading Systems. Automated binary option trading systems (more frequently known as automatic binary robots) are a high quality, low maintenance way for finance traders to partake in the industry without spending large chunks of time pouring over the computer. These trading systems are powered by complex financial algorithms that find, identify, and capture profit opportunities that have presented themselves to the stock market. The type of trading style used by these robots is manually set by the user. The best automated binary option robots offer a number of settings and features, which allow experienced traders enough flexibility and control to customize the way finances, are attained and traded. A perfect example of the flexibility these systems offer can be seen in the fact that they allow the maximum amount of daily funds and number of trades per day to be customized by the user as needed. Furthermore, the “reverse trade” feature allows financial traders to reverse the direction of their trading signals. While these options are an enormous asset for experienced traders, they may be too complex for those who are new to the industry. When shopping for auto trading systems, keep in mind that your personal trading style is the most important thing to consider. The Binary Option Signals.

One way binary options are traded is through the use of “signals,” which essentially are small notes to the system user sent to alert them of incoming profitable assets and market changes. The alerts are created when the system compares its stock of historical financial data against the manually input information from the software user. Of course, in order to ensure the binary option signals are sent and analyzed correctly, traders must ensure they have calibrated their system to ensure 100% accuracy. Unfortunately, however, the rapid fluctuation of the stock market makes it extremely difficult (if not downright impossible) to determine accurate profit forecasts on a regular basis. Both new and experienced traders should keep in mind that no matter how well-calibrated your auto trading system is, the chance for risk is still prevalent. As such, all traders should steer clear of brokers who advertise perfect accuracy rates regarding their software. Instead, keep an eye on the live market and make independent profit projections to double-check the accuracy of your binary option signals. What are Binary Options Social Trading Systems? The recent emergence of social networks has revolutionized the internet in many ways. In fact, social networks have now expanded to the financial trade industry, giving birth to binary options social trading systems. A combination of social networks and online trading platforms, these networks allow financial traders to become a part of a financial community. By joining these financial social networks, traders are able to learn and grow with the most successful binary traders of the time. The social trading systems give you the opportunity to “follow” professional binary traders, learn new strategies, and mimic trade styles, and are extremely easy to use.

The investments and trades made by these industry giants are posted to the social trading system, allowing inexperienced individuals and businesses are able to copy the trades of the industry leaders. Not only does this help novice traders learn and grow, it also reduces the amount of risk they take. How Does Auto Trading Software Work with Binary Option Robots? Before learning about the back-end processes of binary option robots and the associated automatic trading software, it is important to understand the true definition of binary options. In the words of the most experienced traders, binary options are similar to other financial options except for the fact that they have a fixed payout that varies according to the set expiry date. To Learn More About Binary Options Software Read This Article. Binary option trading continues to grow as the internet expands its capabilities thanks to the emergence of binary option robots and automatic trading software, becoming involved in binary option trading has never been easier or more accessible. Actually, binary option robot auto trading software is rather straightforward and user friendly. Whether you are an experienced or novice trader, looking into incorporating an automatic binary option robot into your business practices is recommended. How do I use Binary Option Robot Auto Trading Software? Before getting started with any binary option robot auto trading software, it is important to have a stable understanding of the variant trends, movement volumes, and asset prices that your trade process is founded upon. This can be done by studying analysis charts and variant movements from the previous week, month, or years, depending on how deep you want to dig.

During this time, it is also suggested that you note the payout actions carried out during this time the ability to analyze price movements accurately and diligently is an essential building block to financial success. Once this preliminary research has been completed, it is time to begin using the software in an automated sense to earn enormous profits without having to spend time in front of your computer. The vastness of these trading softwares allows traders to engage in higher volumes of business, further increasing the likelihood of profitability while reducing the likelihood of human error. Because various trade systems can be incorporated into the software settings, such as variant time frames, indications, and differing buy and sell trade settings. Arguably the most popular feature of binary option robot auto trading software is the fact that no physical presence is needed during the time trades are being conducted. Because the software is entirely independent, it can easily run on its own throughout the day or night, allowing you to spend more time doing recreational things with your family, or engaging in additional business ventures. Again, the fact that the software is entirely automated reduces the risk of human error and increases your time spent analyzing important market data. Pro Tip: Keep in mind that there is a vast amount of binary option robots currently on the market. To ensure you are investing your time and money into software that will work effectively for you, take a look at the 30 binary robots’ we’ve reviewed. Here, you’ll be able to understand the pros and cons of each software. Leave a Reply. DISCLAIMER: All Information such as Winning Ratios, Results and Testimonials are to be regarded as simulated or hypothetical. All the information on this website is not intended to produce nor guarantee future results. There's no guarantee of specific results and the results can vary.

RISK DISCLAIMER: Trading Binary Options is highly speculative, carries a level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. You may lose some or all of your invested capital therefore, you should not speculate with capital that you cannot afford to lose. You may need to seek 3rd party financial advice before engaging in binary option trading. 4.5* Binary Options Robot Review – Best Automated Software 2017. Binary Options Robot Review – We have scam tested and found Binary Options Robot as a genuine system that offers plenty of excellent features for its users. Best of all it’s free, fully registered and has a great portfolio of trading partners. Highly recommended! *** Once in a while, it makes a happy change to be able to review a legitimate binary tradings platform. The Binary Options Robot platform is one of the most reliable and reputable platforms out there. It’s fully transparent about how it works and serves to match-make clients with traders depending on how risky the wish their trading style to be. As we’ll see in this Binary Option Robot review – this isn’t a scam that’s going to blazesteal funds in the blink of an eye. Instead, this is a genuine and proven way for people to make money using binary trading. Bear in mind that it’s focused on currency trading so that’s going to rule out US-based traders, but for the rest of the world, Binary Options Robot App is a quality choice. How Binary Options Robot Works ?

Binary Options Robot Review !! One of the most refreshing aspects of the Binary Options Robot website is that it literally strives to explain in detail how their operation works. Most of the scams we’ve reviewed present as little information as possible, and what they do offer is usually completely nonsense or lies. However, with Binary Options Robot, it’s explained that they are a brokering service for high-quality reputable traders. This is why they offer their services totally for free – as they make their income through the commission they receive from their partners. Official Webpage: – BinaryOptionsRobot. com. Now, this may set off alarm bells for some traders, as many scam operations use the same model to introduce their clientsvictims to fraudulent traders who will expropriate their funds. Rest assured that the Binary Options Robot review system works with legit, traceable and high-quality traders only. In a way, they’ve basically vetted the trading houses they work with to deliver only the best to their clients.

Important Features Of Binary Options Robot Software Explained! Again this is a feature that really helps make the Binary Options Robot program stand out. Not only is their software completely free to use, but users don’t have to directly download the software. All that’s required to use the software is an internet connection and it can be used on all platforms, including mobile. Using the Binary Options Robot review software is a piece of cake and doesn’t require any technical knowledge – although as ever it’s recommended that prospective traders learn the basics first. Upon login, traders can search through the dozens of traders on offer and examine their live statistics. The best way to do this is decided first upon what level of risk you’re willing to take. The Binary Options Robot software allows traders to decide between four levels of risk and serves basically to match investors with a suitable partner. Each partner will have different deposit arrangements and will be transparent on their trading performance. It’s important to note that most of the time these will be performing between 70%-80% in wins. This is a realistic scoreline for a legitimate binary trading operating and has to be considered as further evidence that in no way is Binary Options Robot A Scam. How does Trading work With Binary Options Robot System? A massive warning sign that a trading platform is a scam is when it claims to be 100% automatic.

Literally, every scam we’ve exposed out there claims this feature. The problem is that many legitimate systems also offer this service – the difference being that they offer users masses of preferences and options of how to set up their trading profile. As we’ve just seen the Binary Options Robot review system offers a fully automated service, but a considerable number of options to choose between. The good news is that it gets even better. Users are also offered a stop-loss setting, which is something that is a clear cut sign that the Binary Options Robot system isn’t fraudulent. Most scammers work by basically obliterating trading balances within a couple of huge trades – something which simply cannot happen with Binary Options Robot. Every trader has the occasional bad run, but users are protected from losing everything in one fell swoop. For the more technically minded there’s also reverse trading features that allow users to basically overrule the trader’s decisions. Once more, this is a feature you’ll never see offered by scam software. So in a nutshell, once the Binary Options Robot settings have been decided upon users can then leave the software to its own devices. There’s no need to participate any more than the user’s wishes – signals will all be acted upon automatically. Naturally, this makes it a very solid choice for those utterly new to this style of trading for it assumes no prior experience. Literally, all the client needs to do it set their method and leave the groundwork to the software.

Is Binary Options Robot A Scam ? Can Binary Options Robot Be Trusted ? Find Out ! It’s always advisable to approach every binary trading platform as a scam, simply because they make up comfortably 90% of the market. Hopefully, so far in this Binary Options Robot review, it’s becoming apparent that these guys aren’t scammers. There’s plenty of other pieces of evidence that also help contribute towards being able to confidently make this assessment. Why Must You Join Binary Options Robot Autotrader? Steps to Join – Explained! Firstly and most importantly of all they’re a fully registered and regulated business, offering email and web chat customer services. As the client doesn’t pay a penny directly to Binary Options Robot directly, there’s obviously no way they’re going to be even able to run away with your money. From the client’s perspective, they’re completely free. Another nice feature that’s also encouraging is that they offer a number of introductory bonuses, VIP service and even a referral bonus for sending more trade their way.

This is by no means whatsoever a ‘spin a quick scam’ – this is a legit business that’s clearly taken a while to set up. One final excellent feature is that the Binary Options Robot review website also offers extensive guides to trading. There’s an entire section of their website offering advice, news updates and a comprehensive FAQ section that is perhaps the best I’ve yet seen anywhere. This naturally implies that Binary Options Robot is seeking to develop a long-term relationship with those who use their services. It’s a sleek, highly polished operation that would again lend it towards being a highly recommended choice for new traders. Conclusion: – The Binary Options Robot is Scam Free & 100 % Trusted !! Quite clearly Binary Options Robot Autotrader is not a scam. Instead, it’s a really solid and trustworthy option that has to be very highly recommended indeed. While there’s always going to be a risk with this style of trading, the fact that the Binary Options Robot review software is so thorough in protecting clients – while also matching them to a service appropriate to their style – is extremely impressive. Binary trading often gets a bad press because of the proliferation of scams, but Binary Options Robot should be taken as a beacon that there are quality legitimate operations still out there. Most Trusted & Recommended Binary Robot. Nice review – Binary Option Robot is Awesome !! Is this available in Philippines? Peter Morris says.

Your view on binary options trading is different than most. of the blogs I browse, I am delighted. Binary Today Scam says. I hope that it’s acceptable that I discuss this with just a. few of my clientele, it will help their familiarity. with binary options drastically. We should have a talk some time on the subject of binary along with what we’ll. be able to do to ensure that it is more desirable for everybody. Tharaka Jayasena says. can anyone tell me what is the most trusted binary site? Peter Morris says. Hi Binary Option Robot & Option Robot are the best ones ! Vijay Kumar says. Is this available in india.

Peter Morris says. Binary Today says. I’ve never used this approach, appreciate your conveying it. Is Binary Option Robot and Binary Robot available in Austria? Peter Morris says. John Mahon says. How does Crypto Robot 365 compare with Binary Option Robot and Option Robot? John Mahon says. Hi Peter, would be grateful if you would reply to my post of 18th October. Moving forward am very impressed with your recommendation indeed it is my intentions to sing up! hi peter it this available in Malaysia? Peter Morris says. John Mahon says. Hi Peter, would like to enquire when trading through an Auto Trading Robot do I have to keep my computer on 247 or can I turn it off and the Robot continues to trade on my behalf? Also is it wise to trade 247 or just an amount of hours each day? This Trading software is awesome !

I have joined bcz Have read about people who have invested in it and profited big 🙂 Binary Options Explained. Welcome to CyberMentors. org. uk I am Collin Tyusm and this is my blog, dedicated to binary options trading and software. If you are here, that means you are interested in binary options and auto trading. You have reached the place that wants to put an end to malicious practices when it comes to trading with options. The market is flooded with various and different systems that claim legitimacy and promise high profitability, enormous returns and fantastic success rates. But after years of witnessing and in the worst case – falling victims to numerous Ponzi schemes and losing a lot of our investments to fraud, we should know better. A binary option is a financial option in which the payoff is either some fixed monetary amount or nothing at all. I created this blog in order to be of help to newbies as well as experienced traders. I want to provide you with a basic understanding on what binary options are, what is the difference between brokers and robots, and how trading works. If there are more things that interest you and you want explained, do not hesitate to contact me. Table of Contents. Our Recommended Binary Options Signals List.

Binary options trading is a very attractive field since it seems very easy and intuitive. But traders should keep in mind that there is always risk involved. Risk, that should not be underestimated and investors need to take into consideration in order to make profits instead of accumulating losses. Having proper insights and understanding of what binary options are and how this unconventional type of trading works, can help one reap the juiciest fruit out of this field. If you are able to grasp the idea and the depth of binary options, you are all set to gain the exotic results that this trading opportunity has to offer. I have provided you with information on some of the most important things you need to know about the industry in order to get the best results out of your trading decisions. One of the top binary option robots that have been working for years is the brit method system. It has a simple to use design and can be accessed online from desktop and mobile devices. I also recommend Fintech LTD which generated high return ratio of stable 82.3% so far. What are Binary Options?

Binary options are also known as mysterious options but at the same time they are extremely simple when it comes to their functions and using them. Through them, you can trade with currencies, stocks, indices and commodities. Unlike traditional investments, in the binary options industry you do not acquire the asset you trade with. There is no transfer of ownership involved. There are numerous binary options types. The most common is the high-low option. It characteristics include type of asset and expiration time. The return is fixed and is realized at the moment of expiry. All you have to do is guess the direction in which the price of the instrument, influenced by market volatility, different financial indicators and economic changes, will move. The trade can end in on of two ways: In The Money (ITM) – this means that your prediction is accurate and at expiry the price of the asset has gone at the direction of your guess.

For example, you trade with Apple stocks and according to you, their price will be higher at the trade’s expiration. You set your investment amount and then wait. The trade ends ITM if the price truly is higher than the one at the beginning. As a result, you make a profit, with a fixed return rate, provided by the broker you trade through. Out The Money (OTM) – this means that your prediction is incorrect and at expiry the price of the asset has gone in the opposite to your guess direction. Let’s consider the same Apple example – according to you, the price of their stocks will be higher at expiry. But the price drops (even if it is with just a little bit) at the moment of expiry. The trade ends OTM and you face a loss. A very rare situation is for the trade to expire at an asset price that is the same as the one at the beginning of the trade. This situation is called At The Money (ATM) but the chance for this happening is a miniature one. To learn more about binary options, you can visit Investopedia. They have very detailed articles about the industry and the concepts, what are the differences between trading in the U. S. and outside the States, some trading strategies and advice, and lots of other materials. What is a Binary Options Broker?

The world of the binary options industry is vast and complicated. Stepping into this world, you will encounter too many to count platform providers and automated traders. Brokers are the ones who provide a medium for trading and the assets at your disposal are also determined by them. Different brokers offer different trading opportunities with different sets of assets. As traders, you can get access to more than 600 brokers, some of which operate worldwide, while others have some geographic limitations. The rapid increase in the number of brokers is very beneficial for investors, since it increases competition and forces platform providers to find innovative ways to enhance user’s experience. Our Recommended Binary Options Brokers. Probably the most important decision you will make as a binary options trader is with which broker to open a trading account with. This can give a direction to your future trading endeavors and lead you on the path to success or failure. That is why it is extremely important to make thorough research before signing up. Traders, especially experienced ones, tend to open multiple accounts with multiple brokers, so that they can reap the rewards from diversification and to exploit more and different special features, offered by the different platform providers. Regulation of Binary Options Brokers. Like I said, choosing the right binary options broker is crucial for your success. The most reputable and trustworthy platform providers are the ones which are regulated. Regulation is an essential feature of every profitable broker.

It is also a very complicated job. Countries have a set of regulators who are assigned the job of regulating binary options brokers, stock brokers, commodity exchanges and everything you can think of that allows you to practice some sort of financial investment activity. For example, the member states of the European Union accept only those brokers that are listed with a country’s supervisory agency. The binary options world has been hugely affected by the emergence of scams which are looking to make some profits at the expense of the traders they lure. It is no surprise that scam brokers are advertising themselves as licensed and regulated. You can check with your country’s financial authorities to see if they are regulating a certain broker. One of the most well-known regulatory agency is – The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission. You can learn more about it here. Even though regulation is a characteristic that can attest to the broker’s reliability, some are still in the process of acquiring a license or do not have one at all, but are still a very good choice for your investments. One should keep an open mind and explore all possibilities. Special features, bonus schemes and guarantee of funds can play an important role when choosing a broker. You can check some the providers I really like here. In my experience as a trader, I have opened accounts with non-regulated brokers on multiple occasions and I have gain some insights on what is the plus side of using such a broker. What is a Binary Options Robot?

Binary options robots are the so-called automated traders. Their purpose is to help you maximize your profits and are of great use especially for inexperienced traders, who are making their first steps in the field of binary options. How come? It is in their name – they work automatically and trade in your stead. Trading bots are in essence software which runs in the background, analyzing and summarizing enormous amounts of data, either available or gathered through observing market trends and movements. How will the system work depends on the algorithms created and set by the developers of the software. They use sophisticated mathematical algorithms and cutting-edge technology for the best results. The software is usually available for free. You can always upgrade to a VIP version, which will either cost something or will depend on the referral condition. This is up to the robot’s policy. Most programs do not require downloads, everything is web-based and runs on every known operating machine. Some binary options trading bots offer a mobile applications so that investors can trade on the go. Of course, using the desktop version is always a much better choice and guarantees the best experience you can get out of using the robot.

There is also auto trading software that is only available for investment via online streaming. This is not that uncommon. Different solutions usually offer different special features. They are something very important. Users should always be weary of them when trying to invest on the web. The more specific characteristics a binary robot software possesses, the more reliable it is. Like for instance providing 247 support. There is always a possibility that traders have not understood the certain specifics of a particular bot. So, there is a constant need for guidance and advice. Especially, if it is available in several languages. For instance, the best binary option robot would offer it in that many languages as to satisfy the needs of people from at least 5 countries. In general, auto binary robots are a fine opportunity for regular people to increase their profits.

But one should proceed with great caution when choosing a software. How to Work with a Binary Options Robot. After you choose the binary option trading software you want to work with, you have to open an account with a recommended broker. Reliable binary trading systems provide the opportunity to sign up with a reliable broker. When you get to that step, make sure you choose the best possibility. Like I said twice already – the choice of a broker is crucial. In order to start trading, you have to make an initial deposit to your account. The amount of the required funds is determined by the broker’s policy. It will be used exclusively for trading purposes. After that, you are free to begin trading – either automatically or manually. In the first case , you have to tune the binary trading software’s settings to your preferences, activate the special features you want to use, and leave everything else to the system.

It will generate signals, which include profitability levels and reliability, and will automatically execute trades. In the second case , you place the trades yourself, but you can use the information from the generated signals and base your trading decisions on them. The usual accuracy is up to 75% – 80%, with some exceptions. In very rare cases a bigger claim can turn out to be true. There is a huge difference between legitimate and scam binary robot software. The second type is one that you would want to avoid at all costs. On this blog, I will provide you with detailed reviews on best binary trading software, too. This way you are going to be informed and succeed in recognizing the legit ones from the scams, which will open holes in your budget. What are Binary Options Signals? The aforementioned signals you can use to make investments and according to which the robot executes trades, are a summary of all the information needed to make a decision. No matter the market – for commodities, for stocks, currency or indices, you can get a signal on a certain asset. This alert specifies the direction in which a trade should be made so that you can reach the maximum profit. The signal’s most important characteristic is its reliability – the percent shows with what level of certainty a given outcome will be reached.

Let’s take for example a commodity – oil. You have to choose whether its price will go up or down. The signal you get shows an 87% certainty of it going up at the time of expiry. This means that the chance of you guessing right if you trust the signal is 87%. Different systems provide different types of signal services. There are those that do not even offer alerts. You can receive signals via e-mail or directly through the software in real time. Of course, different trading bots offer different ways for you to get access to those alerts. Remember, you will lose your whole investment if outcome of your trade is different from the predicted by the robot. That is why it is so important to choose a reliable binary options software. The reliability and authenticity of a system’s signals is crucial to your trading results, especially if you let the robot trade automatically. If want to place your own trades, you can decide on the spot whether or not to trust the predictions.

Learn to Avoid Binary Scam. The choice of a broker and a trading bot will chart the course of your investments. You can make a solid amount of money by trading with binary options or you can lose every last penny you invest. Scammers will do everything in their power to lure you into opening an account with them. They make flashy promises and huge claims, with the sole purpose of creating an atmosphere of exclusivity and reliability. In this way they outshine the brokers and robots that do not really need such a noisy advertisement and draw victims into their nets. Here are some useful suggestions to follow when choosing a system and a broker, that could keep you from signing up with a scam: Make thorough investigations before signing up. The Internet is full of reviews. You just have to be careful what you read, because a lot of affiliates will send you in the wrong direction. Join binary options trading forums and do not be afraid to openly discuss experience and voice your opinions. Ask for feedback from people who have tested the software you have concerns about. If possible – open a trading account with a regulated broker or make sure that users are satisfied with using the one that is recommended by your trading bot. Scam Binary Options List.

When choosing your binary options automated trading software, you should take a careful look at the special features it offers. This is the thing that gives one system an advantage over another. Many useful features come free of charge when signing up. Even better ones are provided upon upgrading to a VIP account. What you should remember as well is that brokers also offer special functionalities. You should take this into consideration when opening a trading account with the recommended platform provider. The special features are another very important aspect of systems’ characteristics. They can give you an advantage while trading and help you get ahead. Last, but not least, some binary options automated trading systems as well as brokers offer special bonus schemes that can increase your trading capital and give a starting boost. When you sign up and open an account, take the time to read carefully through the Terms and Conditions that are provided. You should be cautious when accepting welcoming bonuses and other similar “gifts”, because sometimes the consequences are not to the trader’s advantage. Something From the Author. There is a rule of thumb that you should never forget if you decide to enter the binary options industry: Profits and Losses go hand in hand. The higher the risk of a trade, the higher the return, but so is the possibility for a loss.

Success rate of a 100% is impossible to achieve and binary options brokers or robots that make that claim, are most certainly lying. But if you accept the possibility for a loss as part of the trading process, you will be able to play the game in a better way and with a calmer mind. This blog was created with the sole purpose of giving you some insights and information on systems you might have questions about. I conduct thorough investigations and then summarize my findings in the form of reviews. I really hope that you will find the information on the blog helpful and that it will make your choosing task easier. Binary Options Software. Some Must-Have Software for Binary Options Traders in 2014. As the binary options market picks up a lot of steam following the decision to regulate it as a financial instrument by many regulating agencies, the market is sure to draw more participation from the retail end of the equation. Consequently, we will see a lot of competition to get a hold of trading profits, and we will also see an onslaught of innovative binary options software as companies and individuals struggle to get a piece of the increased turnovers that will be seen in the market. Already, a software provider has indicated that its binary options product witnessed a 41% increase in its trading volume. This is an indication that more people are coming in to the market and will need tools and software to give them a competitive edge in the market. Binary Options Software: Areas of Demand. What areas will traders need extra help as they try to make their trades more profitable?

Traders will need software to help them perform technical analysis. Traders will be looking for automatic trading solutions. Traders will need trade copiers. Traders will need tools to time expiry. Binary Options Software for Technical Analysis. It goes without saying that technical and fundamental analysis is the mainstay of detection of trading opportunity. However, there will be more opportunity to profit from technical analysis than fundamental analysis. This requires charts complete with tools for chart studies, indicators that show profit opportunity as well as indicators to pinpoint accurate expiry times. Some of the binary options software tools that can satisfy this need are: Interactive charts: The trader can get these from any forex platform such as the MT4, cTrader or ActTrader. Furthermore, some third party charting tools exist such as those from eSignal, Ensign, TradeStation, etc.

For those who will be using smartphones for trading, we even have ChartIQ, an application that can be used to provide interactive charts for the iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows phones. Patterncandlestick recognition tools: There are several of these in the market. If you are getting one, make sure you go for a paid version. In the writer’s experience, many of the free ones are not up to scratch. Binary Options Software for Automated Trading. Automated trading software seem to be the new rave of the moment. The challenge was in getting software that could communicate with the web-based platforms to implement strategies as well as trade entries and exits. But with new internet browsers like Google Chrome which now allow developers to create extensions or plug-ins that can be attached to a browser for onward communication with the web-based platforms, this challenge has been surmounted. You can create yours using a developer’s help or you can purchase a commercial automated trader. Trade copiers are a type of automated trading software.

Usually they are attached to other trading platforms such as the MT4, and then copy any signals generated with the MT4 analytical tools for implementation on the web-based binary options platforms. This area of software development for the binary options market is still in the rudimentary stage with just a handful of trade copiers available. However, expect explosive growth in this area in 2014. Software for Predicting Expiry Times. This is an area that presently remains uncharted and the potential to make a lot of money here for traders who can work with developers to crack this code exists. Why is this the case? No matter what the other software we mention above can do or how immaculately perfect they are, their results would mean absolutely nothing if the asset does not achieve the set target before the curtain falls on the trade. Presently, a large part of estimation of the correct expiry time to use in a trade is guesswork. If there is a software that can take the guesswork out of the trading process, traders will literally break the doors of the developers with their money at hand, demanding for it. Do you have a need for binary options software or do you have ideas to create one? Opportunity beckons at you in 2014. Binary Options Robot. How to Benefit with Binary Options Robots? A binary options trading robot is basically a piece of software that is capable of accurately analyzing data that might impact the way in which assets’ price moves. It has both manual and automated mode.

The only difference between them is that users can customize their investment settings according to their very own preferences and place the trades themselves when choosing the first or let the system do everything on their behalf if they pick the latter. How to Get Started in 3 Easy Steps? ➽ Sign Up : Usually, only a couple of basic details have to be entered into the registration form: name, email address and telephone number. Users can choose a binary options trading system from the reputable ones below. Get Started With 3 Easy Steps. Choose a robot from the list below: Register a robot account. I personally use 3 different robots to diversity my risk. It is highly recommended that you start at least 2 robots. Start trading and collect profits. Fund trading account. $250 is the minimum amount to start.

You can withdraw It anytime. Switch auto-trading ON. The software will start trading the financial markets online. Withdrawal requests are typically fulfilled in 2 working days. ➽ Choose a Broker : Each online investment robot works with different brokerages. After signing up with a given software a confirmation letter is sent almost immediately to the trader’s inbox. Traders are then required to decide which brokerage would they like to work with. ➽ Withdrawal Procedure : Most robots offer expedited or instant withdrawals. In order to receive their earnings, investors have to fill out a request form and apply a copy of personal ID for verification. The most common binary options robot software is an auto trading system that executes trades automatically in your user account. These actions are based on a combination of investment styles and signals over which you have a certain degree of limited control. These online platforms can be signal providers and auto-traders at the same time. This is a bit more advanced than the simpler version of the two services because it offers a very unique type of trading – a newly evolved on the market combination of different strategies and trading techniques. Nowadays, binary options investment systems have come a very long way since their initial humble beginnings.

They have all kinds of unique characteristics and provide various methods by which one can amplify his earnings on the Internet – such as the implementation of copy and mirror trading, compound investments and others. How Can I Start Making Money Via Online Trading? There is no required experience, no in-depth knowledge and no skills. If users wish to acquire such – there is no problem because most binary options automated robots feature some educational articles and live Webinars, if not even virtual Trading Academies and Education Centers. In general, the whole point of such profit amplifying software’s existence is to ease the investment procedure and take over the trading process instead of the users. Of course, it is not advisable to leave the robot completely without supervision because some of them experience bugs from time to time. However, in general, binary options automated systems are a good way for traders to learn while they are earning a solid additional income from the comfort of their very own abode. Preliminary research and the reading of reviews are good before joining a particular robot just in order to feel that your funds are safe and secure. Why Opt for Binary Options Robots? There are many income generating solutions available in the vast spaces of the Internet. Some users may ask themselves why should they go and pick exactly binary options automated systems. There are many reasons why traders should do this.

Let’s mention a couple of them here: Guaranteed Profits : One of the best things about binary options investment robots is that the odds for losing financial operations are almost eliminated. This does not mean that they can not happen, but most systems have either risk-level control or stop-loss features. 100% Free of Charge : There is absolutely no fee that one has to place in order to trade online using this type of profit amplifying solutions. Sign up and registration are completely free. This is one of the great things about binary options. Everybody Trades Binary Options : They have become so popular that there is almost not a single person on the Internet who has not tested them. Which is good because there is lots of feedback about the performance of particular systems. It is also one more reason to try them – if everybody does, then they must be profitable. No Skills Required : Users are not obliged to have any formal education or professional training in order to get started and acquire solid profits. The greater part of profit amplifying solutions have a fully automated mode which enables traders to just sit back and relax as the software does everything for you.

Provided Guidance & Support : One of the great benefits of getting started with a binary options online platform is that if investors desire to acquire additional information and knowledge, they have the opportunity to do so. Most legit income generating solutions have interactive learning materials available for free. Customer support service is also a must. “ I did not know a single thing about binary options trading when I got started. I was experiencing financial troubles and difficulties for a long time and a friend of mine suggested that I should test an income generating software which had a free sign up. I was hesitant for a long period before actually getting started with one, but in the end it turned out to be quite the helpful and profitable experience. The system I got started with operated with a brokerage that had a solid Education Center, so I was also able to learn a thing or too.” “ Binary options trading robots have really managed to change my life for the better. I am currently using three different systems and enjoying complete financial freedom. The best part is that you do not need to know a single thing about online investments in order for them to be a profitable and positive experience for you.” “ One should always be careful when proceeding to trade on the Internet. There are all kinds of online scams. Luckily, with binary options the possibility of falling onto one is kept to quite the minimum level.

Especially, when one reads a lot of reviews before actually opening an account with a given robot or broker. Earning a good addition to your monthly income is so easy that everyone should try it.” How to Choose the Best Binary Options Robot? There are several key factors which users should be on the lookout for when considering to open an account with a given binary options automated software. Even if one is not an expert, he should at least read a couple of reviews that are available on the Internet. A simple search should lead him or her to the answer they need. Another thing which is good to be always on the lookout for are the special features that the binary options trading system of your personal choosing has. Presence of available educational materials, reliable 247 customer support and an automated mode that is capable of placing just the right investments instead of the user. You should always rely on the opinion of other users. Generally, if a large group of people hold a certain regard of a particular income generating platform, then they must be on the right track. Especially, if they have been losing their initial investments and not accumulating any returns. Also, if investors are satisfied with the way it works – it means that it is legit and not part of the scam products. Recommended Binary Options Robot. In order to make the process of choosing the perfect binary options trading robot more hassle-free and smooth, we have compiled a short list of the best ones that are currently available on the Internet. Some of them have come out just recently, while others are available for quite some time now.

The common thing between them is that they are all proven to operate with a high degree of accuracy and are 100% legit . They operate only with regulated and reputable brokers and have great characteristics and special features which are unique solely to them. Their customer support services operate around the clock and are very responsive to users’ needs and requests. Another common element that they share is that they were in development for years and are founded by experts and specialists that come from different areas. HB Swiss : Created by Hans Berger who is the CEO of the company, this piece of software has been around for a long time and proven itself to be a reliable income accumulating partner. BinaryOptionRobot : This is one of the finest available choices for traders. Its well developed algorithm technology is the main reason why so many people have opened an account with the platform. FinTech Ltd. : This binary options software has a topnotch programming algorithm. It is created by renown investor Daniel Roberts and provides online users with the opportunity to execute Reverse Trading as well as adjust the risk level according to their very own preferences. Binary Options Robots – What is the Alternative? Binary option robots are a relatively new product that became prominent in 2009. These trading algorithms are usually developed by expert traders in a cooperation with programmers.

With the improvements of processing power the robots are becoming more and more accurate and precise. However, there are also various other profit amplifying solutions. The best alternative to trading software are binary options brokers and signal providing systems. There is absolutely no chance for the first to be considered legit if they are not under the monitoring of or MiFID. This is why, they are considered more legit than platforms. The automated signal generating provider is a service for binary options users which places investments through their trading accounts. This is not similar to copy trading in which trades are executed into your trading account through a link. Any accounts that are linked to a copy trade account will execute every trade of the master account. Top Rated Binary Robots This Month: Positive & Negative Sides of Binary Options Robots. As every other software - and algorithm-driven online platform, binary options investment robots have their positive and negative sides, features and characteristics. Let’s see how they go: 100% Automated Mode Interactive Educational Materials Live Webinars Professional Advice 247 Customer Support Small Initial Deposit User-Friendly Interface Easy To Operate Free to Download High Payouts Stop-Loss Feature Risk Management.

Require Internet Connection Support Mainly in English Involve Calculated Risk. How Do Binary Options Robots Operate? Binary options robots operate using sophisticated algorithms, which constantly analyze current market data which could have a reflection on the movement of assets’ price. The information can concern and reflect political or economic events, release of a certain type of product or brand, etc. It can basically be about anything which affects the way people act financially. In order to get started with one, online traders will need to sign up first. The process is absolutely free and requires no fee. Users only have to type in a couple of basic details about themselves such as name, email address and telephone number. Then, await for a confirmation in their inboxes in which an activation link will be included. After this, they will have to open an account with a binary options broker from the list of reputable and regulated ones the robot offers. From thereon, users are acquired to place a minimum initial deposit of $250 . It is used solely for the purpose of funding their account and does not go into the pocket of the creators of the software. Our General Thoughts. Users must always remember to keep themselves thoroughly informed.

Binary options robots are, indeed, a legit mean by which to amplify your profits on the web. However, sometimes the platform does turn out to be scam. This is the main reason why we began making our exclusive inquiries and investigations into different systems on the base of which we compile our exhaustive reviews. We are a team of young and ambitious investment and financial analysis experts . Our experience with binary options is first-handed and we strive to provide users with the most objective and realistic information. The reviews traders will find on Top10BinaryRobots are based on in-depth research and we put out whole knowledge and skills into them. All this just in order to secure online investors’ time and savings. We hope you find them helpful, reliable and enjoyable! The binary options robots that are safe and reliable truly do have the chance to better users’ life and make them achieve financial freedom. Online investors should not hesitate to open an account with them. Proceed to The Best Binary Options Robot. Featured Robot Website Preview.

DISCLAIMER: All Information such as Winning Ratios, Results and Testimonials are to be regarded as simulated or hypothetical. All the information on this website is not intended to produce nor guarantee future results. There's no guarantee of specific results and the results can vary. RISK DISCLAIMER: Trading Binary Options is highly speculative, carries a level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. You may lose some or all of your invested capital therefore, you should not speculate with capital that you cannot afford to lose. You may need to seek 3rd party financial advice before engaging in binary option trading.


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