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Options trading for futures

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Beginner's Guide To Trading Futures. A futures contract is an agreement between two parties – a buyer and a seller – to buy or sell an asset at a specified future date and price. Each futures contract represents a specific amount of a given security or commodity. The most widely traded commodity futures contract, for example, is crude oil, which has a contract unit of 1,000 barrels. Each futures contract of corn, on the other hand, represents 5,000 bushels – or about 127 metric tons of corn. Futures contracts were originally designed to allow farmers to hedge against changes in the prices of their crops between planting and when they could be harvested and brought to market. While producers (e. g., farmers) and end users continue to use futures to hedge against risk, investors and traders of all types use futures contracts for the purpose of speculation – to profit by betting on the direction the asset will move. (For more, see What is the Difference Between Hedging and Speculation? ) While the first futures contracts focused on agricultural commodities such as livestock and grains, the market now includes contracts linked to a wide variety of assets, including precious metals (gold), industrial metals (aluminum), energy (oil), bonds (Treasury bonds) and stocks (S&P 500). These contracts are standardized agreements that trade on futures exchanges around the world, including the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) in the U. S. (For more, see How Do Futures Contracts Work? ) This tutorial provides a general overview of the futures market, including a discussion of how futures work, how they differ from other financial instruments, and understanding the benefits and drawbacks of leverage. It also covers important considerations, how to evaluate futures and a basic example of a futures trade – taking a step-by-step look at instrument selection, market analysis and trade execution.

If you are considering trading in the futures markets, it’s important that you understand how the markets works. Here’s a quick introduction to help you get started. Trading Options on Futures Contracts. Futures contracts are available for all sorts of financial products, from equity indexes to precious metals. Trading options based on futures means buying or writing call or put options depending on the direction you believe an underlying product will move. (For more on how to decide which call or put option to use, see "Which Vertical Option Spread Should You Use?") Buying options provides a way to profit from the movement of futures contracts, but at a fraction of the cost of buying the actual future. Buy a call if you expect the value of a future to increase. Buy a put if you expect the value of a future to fall. The cost of buying the option is the premium.

Traders also write options. Many futures contracts have options attached to the them. Gold options, for example, are based on the price of gold futures (called the underlying), both cleared through the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Group. Buying the future requires putting up an initial margin of $7,150--this amount is set by the CME, and varies by futures contract--which gives control of 100 ounces of gold. Buying a $2 gold option, for example, only costs $2 x 100 ounces = $200, called the premium (plus commissions). The premium and what the option controls varies by the option, but an option position almost always costs less than an equivalent futures position. (For insight on how gold prices are set, see "The Insiders Who Fix Rates for Gold, Currencies, and Libor") Buy a call option if you believe the price of the underlying will increase. If the underlying increases in price before the option expires, the value of your option will rise. If the value doesn't increase, you lose the premium paid for the option. Buy a put option if you believe of the underlying will decrease. If the underlying drops in value before your options expires, your option will increase in value. If the underlying doesn't drop, you lose the premium paid for the option. Option prices are also based on 'Greeks,' variables which affect the price of the option.

Greeks are a set of risk measures that indicate how exposed an option is to time-value decay. Options are bought and sold before expiration to lock in a profit or reduce a loss to less than the premium paid. Writing Options for Income. When someone buys an option, someone else had to write that option. The writer of the option, who can be anyone, receives the premium from the buyer up front (income) but is then liable to cover the gains attained by the buyer of that option. The option writer's profit is limited to the premium received, but liability is large since the buyer of the option is expecting the option to increase in value. Therefore, option writers typically own the underlying futures contracts they write options on. This hedges the potential loss of writing the option, and the writer pockets the premium. This process is called "covered call writing" and is a way for a trader to generate trading income using options, on futures she already has in her portfolio. A written option can be closed out at any time, to lock in a portion of the premium or limit a loss. Trading Options Requirements. To trade options you need a margin approved brokerage account with access to options and futures trading. Options on futures quotes are available from the CME (CME) and the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), where options and futures trade.

You can also find quotes in the trading platform provided by options brokers. Buying options on futures may have certain advantages over buying regular futures. The option writer receives the premium upfront but is liable for the buyers gains because of this, option writers usually own the own the underlying futures contract to hedge this risk. To buy or write options requires a margin approved brokerage account with access to CME andor CBOE products. Futures Options Trading. Futures Options Trading 101 is available free to help both experienced and beginning futures market traders. You may also register free to receive our special advanced options trading info: 'Options on Futures'. Futures Options Trading First Steps: 100% of Futures Options lose all their 'time value'. When Futures Options expire, they are worthless. Most of the time, Futures Markets have no trend. Cannon Trading respects your privacy, all transactions are safe and secure with High-grade Encryption (AES-256, 256-bit keys) . We do not sell your information to third parties. 1. Bullish Market Strategies.

2. Bearish Market Strategies. 3. Neutral Market Strategies. Futures Options Writing. Have you ever wondered who sells the futures options that most people buy? These people are known as the option writerssellers. Their sole objective is to collect the premium paid by the option buyer. Option writing can also be used for hedging purposes and reducing risk. An option writer has the exact opposite to gain as the option buyer. The writer has unlimited risk and a limited profit potential, which is the premium of the option minus commissions. When writing naked futures options your risk is unlimited, without the use of stops. This is why we recommend exiting positions once a market trades through an area you perceived as strong support or resistance. So why would anyone want to write an option?

Here are a few reasons: Most futures options expire worthless and out of the money. Therefore, the option writer is collecting the premium the option buyer paid. There are three ways to win as an option writer. A market can go in the direction you thought, it can trade sideways and in a channel, or it can even go slowly against you but not through your strike price. The advantage is time decay. The writer believes the futures contract will not reach a certain strike price by the expiration date of the option. This is known as naked option selling. To hedge against a futures position. For example: someone who goes long cocoa at 850 can write a 900 strike price call option with about one month of time until option expiration. This allows you to collect the premium of the call option if cocoa settles below 900, based on option expiration. It also allows you to make a profit on the actual futures contract between 851 and 900.

This method also lowers your margin on the trade and should cocoa continue lower to 800, you at least collect some premium on the option you wrote. Risk lies if cocoa continues to decline because you only collect a certain amount of premium and the futures contract has unlimited risk the lower it goes. Click play to watch video on Buying Options on Futures Contracts - A Guide to Uses and Risks. Cannon Trading Company Inc. believes in writing options on futures , but advises against doing it without the advice and expertise of a knowledgeable broker or specialist. Be strict when choosing which futures options to write and don't believe in writing options on futures as your only method. Using the same method every month on a single market is bound to burn you one month, because you end up writing options on futures when you shouldn't. Cannon Trading Co. Inc. believes you should treat option writing just like futures trading. We believe you should stay with the major trend when writing futures options, with rare exceptions. Use market pullbacks to support or resistance as opportunities to enter with the trend, by writing futures options which best fit into your objectives. Volatility is another important factor when determining which options on futures to write, it's generally better to sell over valued futures options then under valued futures options. Remember not to get caught up with only volatility, because options on futures with high volatility could always get higher. The bottom line is, pick the general market direction to become successful over the long-term. We also believe in using stops based on futures settlements, not based on the value of the option.

If a market settles above or below an area you believed it shouldn't and the trend appears to have reversed based on the charts, it's probably a good time to exit your positions. We can help you understand the risks and rewards involved, as well as how to react to certain situations, i. e. ifthen trading scenarios. We can either assist your option writing style or recommend trades and strategies we believe are appropriate, using the above guidelines. Option Buying & Spreads. Most futures options expire worthless and out of the money, therefore most people lose when buying options on futures. Cannon Trading believes there is still opportunity in buying , but you must be very patient and selective. We believe buying futures options just because a market is extremely high or low, known as "fishing for options" is a big mistake. Refer to the guidelines on our "Trading Commandments" before purchasing any futures options. Historic volatility, technical analysis, the trend and all other significant factors should all be analyzed to increase your probability of profit. All full-service accounts will receive these studies, opinions and recommendations upon request.

Cannon Trading Company's "Trading Commandments" can be used as a guideline to assist you in the process and decision making of selecting the right market and futures options to purchase. A common method we implement involves the writing and buying of futures options at the same time, known as bull call or bear put spreads. Ratio and calendar spreads are also used and are recommended at times. Please do not hesitate to call for help with any of these strategies or explanations. Here are a few examples we use often: If coffee is trading at 84, we can buy 1 coffee 100 call and write 2 135 calls with the same expiration dates and 30 days of time until expiration. This would be in anticipation of coffee trending higher, but not above 135 in 30 days. We'd be collecting the same amount of premium as we're buying, so even if coffee continued lower we'd lose nothing. Our highest profit would be attained at 135 based on options on futures expiration. To determine risk we'd take the difference between 135 and 100, which is 35 points and divide it by two, because we sold two calls for every one purchased. You'd then add the 17.5 points to 135 and this would give you the approximate break-even point based on option expiration. Risk lies if coffee rises dramatically or settles over 152.50, based on expiration.

A typical calendar spread method we use often would be to write 1 option with about 25 days left until expiration and buy 1 with 60 days left. Example: If coffee was trading at 84 and we thought prices might be heading slowly higher. We can write 1 130 coffee call with less time and buy 1 coffee 130 call with more time in the anticipation that the market will trend higher, but not above the 130 strike before the first options on futures expiration. Some additional risk here lies in the difference between the two contract months. The objective is, if coffee trades higher over the next month but not above the 130 strike price, we'd collect the premium of the option we sold by letting it expire worthless. In addition, the option we purchased may also profit if coffee rises higher, but it may lose some value due to time decay if coffee doesn't rally enough. *Note: Some futures options trade based on different futures contract months and should always be considered in your trading. Don't hesitate to call for help with any of these strategies or explanations. Remember, the key is still going to be picking the general market direction correct. Therefore, you must analyze and study each market situation with several different trading scenarios and determine which one best suits your risk parameters. The art of trading these strategies is deciding when, where, which futures markets, and what ranges to use.

If you are an inexperienced options trader use these strategies through the broker assisted program. For more information, check out our Online Trading Futures Market Glossary. The material contained in 'Futures Options Trading 101' is of opinion only and does not guarantee any profit. These are risky markets and only risk capital should be used. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. Consult with a Cannon Commodity Trading Executive. Services Why Cannon Trading? Self-Directed Online Traders Broker-Assisted Traders Futures Trading Systems Managed Accounts & Algo Trading International Traders Foreign Introducing Brokers Software E-Futures International TransAct AT CQG Trader Trade Navigator MetaTrader 4 FireTip (Mac Compatible) MultiCharts OptionVue iBroker Tools Support & Resistance Levels Intraday Trading Signals Live S&P Pit Audio Premium Charts Daily Research Contract Specifications Order Types Community Weekly Newsletter FAQ Exchanges Company About Contact Wiring Instructions Careers President's Letter. RISK DISCLOSURE: Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. The risk of loss in futures trading can be substantial, carefully consider the inherent risks of such an investment in light of your financial condition.

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Powerful tools, specialized service, and great value. Integrated mobile and web futures trading Trade futures listed on CME, ICE US, and CFE Now availableЂ”XBT-Cboe Bitcoin Futures Support from licensed Futures Specialists. price per contract, 2 on futures and options on futures, except for bitcoin futures. hour access to markets 3. Trade some of the most liquid contracts, in some of the world's largest markets. Diversify into metals, energies, interest rates, or currencies. Near around-the-clock trading. Trade 24 hours a day, six days a week 3. No pattern day trading rules. No minimum account value to trade multiple times per day. No short sale restrictions or hard-to-borrow availability concerns. Capital efficiencies.

Control a large amount of notional value with relatively small amount of capital. Pro-level tools, online or on the go. You can now trade on your desktop or mobile device anytime during the 246 futures trading sessions with OptionsHouse and OptionsHouse mobile app. Trade futures alongside equities, ETFs, and options on the same platform without moving funds between accounts View real-time contract prices and market depth in ladders, then trade, cancel, or modify orders with a click Formulate trading strategies with 100+ technical studies and full suite of drawing tools. Feel the pulse of the markets. E*TRADE Futures Research Center is powered by the CME GroupЂ”one of the worldЂ™s largest futures exchanges. Learn why many sophisticated traders rely on futures, including portfolio diversification, liquidity, leverage, and more See whatЂ™s hot with a streaming real-time quotes heatmap Get insights from seasoned professionals on indexes, energies, metals, FX, and interest rates. Contract specifications. Intraday margining is set to 50% of initial margin requirements, except Bitcoin futures. 4. Last updated: 12192017. Trading XBT-Cboe Bitcoin Futures requires signing the CFE market data agreement Your futures account must be prefunded to trade bitcoin futures Sweep functionality and global buying power is disabled between futures and brokerage accounts To begin activation, please contact our Futures Specialists at (877) 553-8887. These products involve a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. You should carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances and financial resources. Please visit NFA and CFTC for additional information regarding the risks relating to these products.

. Call us at 877-553-8887. Learn how to take on the global markets with futures. Virtually 24 Hour Access. Trade 24 hours a day, six days a week. This video shows you how. The Benefits of Portfolio Diversification. One of the most important characteristics of any investment portfolio is its diversity. Control a large contract value with a small amount of capital. We show you how in this video. Frequently asked questions.  What are the requirements to open a futures account? To trade futures, you must open (or already have) a Margin brokerage account.

 Why do I need a margin brokerage account to trade futures? E*TRADE takes the protection of your assets very seriously. In order to ensure we are providing our customers with available financial safeguards, the Firm will only keep assets in the Futures account that are needed to satisfy the margin requirement of an existing futures position. Funds not required for futures margin will be automatically moved back to your linked margin brokerage account where they are given SIPC protection or FDIC insurance.  How does funding an Automated Money Movement work in my futures account? If your linked margin brokerage account already has sufficient funds, there is no need to make additional transfers to separately fund futures trading. The minimum margin requirement for futures positions held overnight will be automatically transferred to your E*TRADE futures account, including commission and fees, and any deficiency funds required to satisfy margin calls. Conversely, any excess margin and available cash will be automatically transferred back to your margin brokerage account where SIPC protection is available. Please note: The above applies only to linked margin brokerage accounts at E*TRADE. For unlinked E*TRADE accounts, there is no automatic transfer of minimum margin requirements or deficiency funding. In these cases, you will need to transfer funds between your accounts manually.  Are there any fees to receive live quotes for futures? E*TRADE currently absorbs all CME Group quote fees for clients. ICE U. S. and CFE are passed through to clients.

Service  Connect with us. Check the background of E*TRADE Securities LLC on FINRA's BrokerCheck. PLEASE READ THE IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES BELOW. Securities products and services offered by E*TRADE Securities LLC, Member FINRA SIPC . Investment advisory services are offered through E*TRADE Capital Management, LLC, a Registered Investment Advisor. Commodity futures and options on futures products and services offered by E*TRADE Futures LLC, Member NFA . Banking products and services are offered by E*TRADE Bank, a federal savings bank, Member FDIC , or its subsidiaries. E*TRADE Securities LLC, E*TRADE Capital Management LLC, E*TRADE Futures LLC, and E*TRADE Bank are separate but affiliated companies. System response and account access times may vary due to a variety of factors, including trading volumes, market conditions, system performance, and other factors. ©2017 E*TRADE Financial Corporation. All rights reserved. E*TRADE Copyright Policy. Options trading for futures InfinityAT™ is an online trading platform that provides futures traders with access to the CME Group and Eurex. Create and customize advanced intraday and historical charts.

Charts user interface is fully customizable and includes hundreds of studies & indicators. Upcoming Webinar Events. New Year, New You, New Charts. January 8th, 3:30 pm CT (Chicago Time) Featured Infinity Videos. (Directs to YouTube) If you are new to the InfinityAT&trade trading platform and charts this is a great introduction video. Btc futures with up to 20x leverage. Margin trading, NO USD requirement, high returns, clean management tools and more. trade european style vanilla options. with up to 10x leverage. on the most advanced BTC Options Trading Platform on the Market.

hft high-speed matching engine. with less than 1ms latency. Mobile friendly advanced trading platform or trade via high performance REST, Websocket and FIX API. Futures Markets - Part 11: Options on Futures. Futures Trading Short Course. Options on futures began trading in 1983. Today, puts and calls on agricultural, metal, and financial (foreign currency, interest-rate and stock index) futures are traded by open outcry in designated pits. These options pits are usually located near those where the underlying futures trade. Many of the features that apply to stock options apply to futures options. An option's price, its premium, tracks the price of its underlying futures contract which, in turn, tracks the price of the underlying cash. Therefore, the March T-bond option premium tracks the March T-bond futures price. The December S&P 500 index option follows the December S&P 500 index futures.

The May soybean option tracks the May soybean futures contract. Because option prices track futures prices, speculators can use them to take advantage of price changes in the underlying commodity, and hedgers can protect their cash positions with them. Speculators can take outright positions in options. Options can also be used in hedging strategies with futures and cash positions. Futures options have some unique features and a set of jargon all their own. Puts, Calls, Strikes, etc. Futures offer the trader two basic choices - buying or selling a contract. Options offer four choices - buying or writing (selling) a call or put. Whereas the futures buyer and seller both assume obligations, the option writer sells certain rights to the option buyer. A call grants the buyer the right to buy the underlying futures contract at a fixed price the strike price. A put grants the buyer the right to sell the underlying futures contract at a particular strike price.

The call and put writers grant the buyers these rights in return for premium payments which they receive up front. The buyer of a call is bullish on the underlying futures the buyer of a put is bearish. The call writer (the term used for the seller of options) feels the underlying futures' price will stay the same or fall the put writer thinks it will stay the same or rise. Both puts and calls have finite lives and expire prior to the underlying futures contract. The price of the option, its premium, represents a small percentage of the underlying value of the futures contract. In a moment, we look at what determines premium values. For now, keep in mind that an option's premium moves along with the price of the underlying futures. This movement is the source of profits and losses for option traders. The buyer of an option can profit greatly if his view is correct and the market continues to rise or fall in the direction he expected. If he is wrong, he cannot lose any more money than the premium he paid up front to the option writer. Most buyers never exercise their option positions, but liquidate them instead. First of all, they may not want to be in the futures market, since they risk losing a few points before reversing their futures position or putting on a spread.

Second, It is often more profitable to reverse an option that still has some time before expiration. An option's price, its premium, depends on three things: (1) the relationship and distance between the futures price and the strike price (2) the time to maturity of the option and (3) the volatility of the underlying futures contract. Puts are more or less the mirror image of calls. The put buyer expects the price to go down. Therefore, he pays a premium in the hope that the futures price will drop. If it does, he has two choices: (1) He can close out his long put position at a profit since it will be more valuable or (2) he can exercise and obtain a profitable short position in the futures contract since the strike price will be higher than the prevailing futures price.


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